Presentation night

16 Mar 2020 by Judy Leggett

Committee has decided to continue with presentation night this Thursday 19th March in a reduced capacity. We will hold the relayathon and then have presentations immediately after. We will not have the shared meal or the team events we had planned to limit interactions between people and therefore limit the risk.
The night will start at 4.30pm with the Relaython and then presentations. Please bring any donations you have been able to collect.
Obviously we would like everyone to respect the advice given by health authorities and not attend if unwell or if they have travelled to a higher risk country or may have been exposed to a person with Coronavirus.
If anyone is concerned about attending we will make alternative arrangements for collection of awards.
Although we generally invite all family and friends to attend we would appreciate if just immediate family or limited numbers attend this year.
We are awaiting advice on the cross country season from LAVic. At this stage we will postpone the season and be in touch if and when we can start the season.
Thank you for your understanding.

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